Slough Ring Salinity

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 This type of salinity occurs as a ring of salt immediately adjacent to a permanent water body. Water infiltrates from the pond into the permeable upper soil layer and moves laterally upslope as shallow groundwater in an unsaturated state through this layer. The water may also flow downward, raising the water table. Water from the lateral unsaturated flow and capillary rise from the water table emerges at the surface where it evaporates, leaving salts at the edge of the slough. This type is very common in Central Alberta and less in the southern part of the province.

Page developed by Jan Kwiatkowski.


Other Documents in the Series

  Salinity Classification, Mapping and Management in Alberta
Artesian Salinity
Contact/Slope Change Salinity
Coulee Bottom Salinity
Depression Bottom Salinity
Outcrop Salinity
Slough Ring Salinity - Current Document
Irrigation Canal Seepage Salinity
Natural/Irrigation Salinity
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Karen Raven.
This document is maintained by Laura Thygesen.
This information published to the web on February 12, 2004.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 4, 2017.