Alberta Grasshopper Forecast for 2008

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 The risk of economically significant grasshopper populations in 2008 has increased dramatically in north-central Alberta and parts of the Peace region. The 2008 Alberta risk map for grasshoppers shows low populations through much of south central and southern Alberta.

Areas of moderate to severe risk could experience problems with grasshoppers if environmental conditions favor the hatching and development of grasshoppers in late May through June.

The 2008 grasshopper risk map is based on adult grasshoppers counts conducted in early August of 2007 by participating Agriculture Fieldmen across the province. These adult counts give an indication of the number of adults capable of reproduction and egg laying. Environmental factors can result in higher or lower actual populations than forecast. Individual producers need to be aware of the potential risks in their area and monitor fields to make any control decisions (if necessary). It is important to remember that the warm dry conditions we experienced in the fall of 2006 may result in higher than predicted populations in 2007.

Particular attention should be paid to areas that traditionally have higher grasshopper populations on individual farms. In addition, grasshoppers tend to lay their eggs near areas of green growth in the fall which may be potential food sources the following spring. Areas with early green plant growth such as field margins, fence-lines and roadsides are also areas that will give early indications of potential grasshopper problems.

If insecticides are needed, note label precautions regarding user safety, proper application techniques and instructions to reduce impacts on non-target organisms. It is important to remember that control measures are intended to protect the crops from economic damage and are never successful in totally eliminating grasshopper populations.

Alberta Agriculture and Food acknowledges the commitment and support of the Agriculture Fieldmen across the province in conducting the surveys essential to the creation of this forecast.

For more information of grasshoppers and their management contact the Ag-Info Centre at 310-FARM (3276).

Forecast map (not available at this time)

Life cycle information

Grasshopper management

Grasshopper FAQ

Association of Alberta Agriculture Fieldmen


Other Documents in the Series

  2009 Grasshopper Forecast
Alberta Grasshopper Forecast for 2008 - Current Document
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Scott Meers.
This document is maintained by Shelley Barkley.
This information published to the web on January 25, 2008.