Alberta Broiler Chicken Industry

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The Alberta Broiler Chicken Industry
Alberta Chicken Producers
The Alberta Chicken Producers manage production of broiler chickens in Alberta. The Alberta Chicken Producers operate under the provincial Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, the Alberta Chicken Producers Plan ( AR 70/93 ), the Alberta Chicken Producers Authorization regulation ( AR 80/93 ), the Alberta Chicken Producers Marketing regulation ( AR 3/2000 ), and the Alberta Chicken Producers Federal Authorization Order regulation ( AR 230/99 ).

General Manager: Karen Kirkwood
2518 Ellwood Drive SW
Edmonton, AB T6X 0A9
Phone: 780-488-2125
Fax: 780-488-3570

There are 240 registered chicken producers with quota in Alberta, producing 128 million kg live weight of chicken annually. 100% of chicken farmers in Alberta are certified under national Animal Care and On-Farm Food Safety Assurance Programs as a condition of their licenses to market chicken.

Individuals may produce and market up to 2000 birds annually without quota. Quota can also be purchased or leased from current quota holders.

Communal farms may produce and market up to 6000 birds annually without quota. The Communal farms may produce and market up to 6000 birds annually without quota. The Meat Inspection Act governing the inspection and sale of meat applies to all animals produced for food. The act states that it is an offense to sell or offer for sale any meat or meat products which have not been inspected either in an abattoir or in an establishment by provincial or federal authorities. Animals may be slaughtered on-farm for consumption by the producer and members of their household. However, the meat cannot be sold.


Other Documents in the Series

  Alberta Broiler Chicken Industry - Current Document
Important Contacts in the Poultry Industry
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Brenda L Reimer.
This information published to the web on April 24, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on June 30, 2015.