Kharbanda, Dr. Prem D. - 2008 Hall of Fame inductee

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Dr. Prem Kharbanda has been an outstanding contributor to the field of plant pathology for over 37 years, excelling in his work on a variety of crops and their economically important disease problems. Very active in his efforts with the province’s greenhouse industry, he helped to virtually eliminate nematode problems in Alberta greenhouses and significantly reduce the incidence of other diseases such as Sclerotinia stem rot. On field crops, Prem was instrumental in preventing the spread of blackleg disease of canola in Alberta, using innovative strategies involving a combination of cultural, chemical and biological methods, disease monitoring, seed testing, producer education and awareness as well as technology development. It’s estimated his efforts fighting blackleg saved Alberta producers over $400 million between 1983 and 1999 and may have prevented the total annihilation of the Canadian canola industry. The fields of canola flourishing across Alberta today are a constant reminder of Prem’s invaluable career, and the tremendous contribution his work has made towards the success of Alberta’s agriculture industry.

Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame main page

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Susan Lacombe.
This information published to the web on September 22, 2008.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 17, 2018.