Delivery Guidelines for Green Certificate School Representatives

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The implementation of the Green Certificate Program for Alberta Education high school credits is a partnership between Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development and Alberta Education. Because a substantial proportion of our Green Certificate trainees are enrolled in the program to obtain high school diploma credits, the following guidelines have been established for the implementation and administration of the Green Certificate Program in Alberta high schools. Green Certificate courses are delivered off-campus with a certified school representative facilitating their delivery. The school representative is expected to establish a process for monitoring and assessing the progress and performance of each Green Certificate student under his or her care. Similar to all school programs, student assessment, grading and submission of marks for Alberta Education credits is the responsibility of the designated school representative. Currently it is up to each individual school representative how a student's mark is determined.

To ensure consistency and credibility of the Green Certificate Program across the province, the following guidelines were developed by Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. They are based on the Off- Campus Education Guide and Alberta Education Green Certificate Curriculum. These documents are available on the Alberta Education website. Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development and the Green Certificate staff want to assist school representatives in the implementation of the apprenticeship-style Green Certificate Program, based on a competency based learning process.


High school students taking the Green Certificate Program will be able to:

  • Demonstrate general and specific outcomes that enable them to earn a Level 1 Technician certificate within their selected specialization
  • Develop competencies in a selected agricultural specialization
  • Develop appropriate employability skills
  • Develop a positive attitude toward safety and safe workplace practices
  • Analyze career opportunities in the agriculture industry
  • Learn more about the Green Certificate Program.

The Green Certificate School Representative's responsibility is to:

Each course in any of the specializations offered by the Green Certificate Program is designed to be delivered off-campus. Green Certificate courses must be delivered in accordance with the Off-Campus Education Policy (Section 54 of the School Act) that requires that each potential workplace be inspected and approved annually by a person designated by the school authority. In addition, an Alberta certified teacher ensures that:
  • The workplace provides a safe and caring environment
  • Effective learning is taking place
  • The curriculum is being followed
  • Student progress is monitored and supervised
  • Student performance is appropriately assessed with the employer and local Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development representative
  • The student is enrolled in a co-requisite Personal Safety Management course, prior to or concurrent with enrolment in the first Green Certificate course

Green Certificate School Representative Delivery Guidelines:

  1. Selecting Students
  2. Job Site Approval and Evaluation
  3. Course Pre-requisites and Registration Requirements
  4. Induction Meeting
  5. Student Records
  6. Communicate Training Needs
  7. Support Supplementary Training
  8. Certification Test Scheduling
  9. Student Supervision and Monitoring
  10. Evaluation

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Raelene Mercer.
This document is maintained by Lindsay Rodriguez.
This information published to the web on October 10, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on May 10, 2018.