Rural Development: Rural Organizations

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 The following organizations are examples of key partners who promote and support rural development across Alberta:
  • Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies - Providing leadership and resources that build sustainable Agricultural Societies for Albertans, AAAS is the provincial association representing over 294 Agricultural Societies.
  • Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities - ACSRC fills the gap for research and policy in rural areas by fostering constructive dialogue, promoting interdisiplinary and collaborative research, and developing partnerships between the University of Alberta and rural communities in Alberta and beyond.
  • Alberta Community and Cooperatives Association - ACCA serves co-operatives, credit unions and like minded organizations by providing co-op development resources, youth and adult education, rural development, administrative services, conference coordination and financial management.
  • Alberta Rural Development Network - ARDN is a partnership of Alberta’s 21 publicly-funded, publicly-governed colleges, universities, and technical institutes, working together to support and enhance rural development.
  • Alberta Urban Municipalities Association - AUMA represents Alberta's urban municipalities including cities, towns, villages, summer villages, and specialized municipalities, as well as associate and affiliate members.
  • Regional Economic Development Alliances - These Alberta based alliances involve partnering with governments, businesses and local institutions to share in the opportunities presented throughout Alberta.
  • Rural Secretariat - The Rural Secretariat is a focal point for the Government of Canada to work in partnership with Canadians in rural and remote areas to build strong, dynamic communities.
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Humaira Irshad.
This document is maintained by Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on April 17, 2008.
Last Reviewed/Revised on April 10, 2012.