Rural Development: Funding Sources

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Rural based projects may also be considered eligible for funding by the organizations listed below. For more information, contact the organization directly.
  • Community and Regional Economic Development Funding Programs - The linked document briefly describes a number of funding programs related to community and regional economic development. Although the majority are Government of Canada and Government of Alberta programs, it does include a number of foundations and not-for-profit programs.
  • Agricultural Initiatives Program - Funds are provided by the Alberta Lottery Fund to encourage improvements in agriculture, the quality of life in the agricultural community and to facilitate rural development.
  • Alberta Lottery Fund - The Alberta Lottery Fund is made up of the government's share of net revenues from gaming activity, and is used to support thousands of volunteer, public and community-based initiatives annually.
  • Alberta Municipal Financial Assistance Database - The Municipal Financial Assistance Database provides municipalities with information on potential financial assistance available from provincial government initiatives and programs.
  • AVAC Ltd. - AVAC stimulates value-added research, development and the commercialization of new products and services in Alberta.
  • Community Futures Network of Alberta - Community Futures (CF) organizations provide lending services to business ideas that result in wealth generation for the business and economic diversification for the community or region.
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Humaira Irshad.
This document is maintained by Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on April 17, 2008.
Last Reviewed/Revised on May 1, 2013.