| Using this factsheet | Definitions | Grasses | Grass-like plants | Forbs | Shrubs | Trees
Alberta rangelands consist of native and introduced plant species that exist in plant communities. These lands are made up of grasses, sedges, forbs, shrubs and even trees. Rangelands provide an important source of forages for domestic and native animals as well as protection to the soil and watersheds.
Specific to the plant species found in a particular area at any point in time, plant communities group various population sizes of plants occurring together on the landscape. These communities are managed in pastures, grazing reserves and ranches as range ecosystems, which are complex collections of living and non-living (biotic and abiotic) parts that interconnect with each other within the rangeland environment.
This complex network of individual biotic and abiotic entities works together cohesively as a single unit. This unit functions as a continuum of cause-and-effect relationships that is never ending as long as the ecosystem can support life in any form. If one part of this unit is affected, the whole network and every individual part within it is affected as well.
Rangeland environments and range ecosystems are inherently complex. However, they are largely based on individual plants that are important as forage for livestock and herbivorous wildlife. To maintain the site stability, stand longevity and structural integrity of their communities, range managers must know these plants and their various structural and habitual characteristics.
Using this factsheet
In this factsheet, each range plant species is shown under two names: a common (English) name and a scientific (Latin or Greek) name. This presentation is so that the plants can be sorted into the various taxonomic genera, families and classes based on that species’ unique physical characteristic[s] and to help managers find more information on that particular plant. See the tables later in this factsheet.
Because a plant can have several different common names in different parts of the province or country, the scientific name helps pinpoint the identity of that plant more accurately, especially if it is discussed among range managers all over the globe.
Range plants can also be grouped based on various characteristics like plant type, lifespan, origin, response to grazing (or other disturbances like fire and drought) and forage value. In the “Definitions” section below, Plant type groups various species with similar physical characteristics to define them as grasses, grass-like plants, forbs, shrubs or trees.
Also in the section below, a plant’s life span, noted as an annual, biennial or a perennial, determines the longevity of a plant. Origin refers to plants indigenous to North America or that have been introduced recently from other continents. Plants with varying responses to grazing are grouped as decreasers, increasers or invaders.
Finally, forage value, grouped as good, fair, poor and/or poisonous, is determined by palatability (acceptance by grazing animals based on taste), nutritional value and abundance for grazing. Poisonous plants are deemed as such if they contain toxins harmful to grazing animals.
Range plants can also be classified according to what part of the growing season they tend to grow best in. Most of the plants listed in this publication show a “cool season” response where the major portion of their growth occurs during spring and early summer when temperatures range from 18°C to 24°C. Some plants, including blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) and red three-awn (Aristida purpurea var. longiseta), are classed as “warm season” plants because they grow slowly during the early part of the season, but grow best in late spring and summer when temperatures range from 32°C to 35°C.
Definition of plant characteristics
Plant type
Grasses - herbaceous plants with narrow, long, parallel-veined leaves and hollow, jointed stems. Spikes of small seeds borne between two scales are found at the top portion of these stems.
Grass-like plants – look very similar to grasses but have solid stems (not hollow) that are often three-sided and not jointed. Leaves are no different from grasses. These are made up of sedges and rushes.
Forbs – herbaceous, broad-leaved plants with annual tops and leaves with net-like veins (range weeds and flowers).
Shrubs – woody, often deciduous perennials with stems that live over the winter and branch out from near the base or at ground level.
Trees – woody, single-stemmed perennial plants that reach a mature height of at least 3 metres.
Life span
Annual plants – live only for one growing season. They do not come up a second year from roots or a crown but rather from seeds deposited by a parent plant.
Biennial plants – require two years to complete life cycle. Vegetative growth is focused during the first year, then in the second year, flowering, fruit production and death.
Perennial plants – live and reproduce year after year, producing leaves, stems and flowers for more than two years from the same root system.
Native plants – those plants that are indigenous to North America.
Introduced plants – plants that have been brought in from outside North America in the last few centuries and are not usually present in the original plant community.
Response to grazing
Grazing response - the reaction a species has to continuous defoliation, usually by grazing and hoof damage. Soil type, moisture levels and climate ultimately affect the response to defoliation for any one species. Where a species is a primary decreaser in one environmental condition, it may become an increaser in a different environmental situation. (Note that the response of plants to defoliation is not limited to grazing animals. The response is also related to the effects of fire, insect damage and drought.) Types of range plants responses are grouped as follows:
- Decreasers – plant species of an original or climax plant community that decrease in relative amount with continued disturbances, such as heavy grazing. These plants may be either highly palatable, being continually sought out by grazing animals and often the first ones to be defoliated throughout the growing season, or they may lack certain physical characteristics that would otherwise help them in their recovery.
- lncreasers – plant species of an original plant community that will increase in relative amount for period of time under continued disturbances such as heavy grazing. Increasers will generally take over the community. Increaser plants are typically those adapted to heavy defoliation because they grow close to the ground and possess physiological attributes that allow them to recover quickly from grazing and hoof damage. They may also be less palatable and therefore less desirable to grazing animals. Such plants need to be monitored since they are a sign of heavy grazing (such as high intensity, high frequency grazing) and can increase in abundance beyond what is acceptable. Overuse, however, can cause even these plant types to decrease in the community.
- Invaders – commonly are weedy plants that have established themselves in a plant community because the more desirable species have died out from heavy grazing and trampling. A high proportion of invader species is generally a sign of excessive grazing pressure; however, some noxious range weeds such as leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) and even aspen poplar (Populus tremuloides) are capable of invading healthy range ecosystems.
Forage values
Forage value – is determined by palatability, nutritional quality and abundance (biomass in terms of lb/acre of plant material) for livestock. Nutritive value ultimately depends on the type of animal consuming that plant and its stage of growth (i.e., immature vegetative vs. mature dormant). Classification of range forage value is as follows:
- Good – plants are nutritious, highly palatable and tend to produce abundant forage in their original community.
- Fair – plants are very likely to produce adequate nutrients when consumed; however, they may not have substantial palatability or do not produce an abundance of forage in their original community.
- Poor – plants that lack adequate nutrients for the grazing animal. Also, most plants that contain anti-nutritional factors that cause reduced intake or possible illness are also classed as having “poor” forage value.
- Poisonous – plants classed as “poor” quality forage due to compounds or toxins that cause illness or death of grazing animals.
Common name | Scientific name | Life span | Origin | Grazing response | Forage value |
Alkali cord grass | Spartina gracilis | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Alpine timothy | Phleum alpinum | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Awned wheatgrass | Agropyron trachycaulum var. unilaterale | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
Bearded wheatgrass | Elymus caninus | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Good |
Bluebunch wheatgrass | Agropyron spicatum | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Blue grama | Bouteloua gracilis | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
California oat grass | Danthonia californica | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
Canada bluegrass | Poa compressa | Perennial | Introduced | lnvader | Good |
Canada wild rye | Elymus canadensis | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Canby bluegrass | Poa canbyi | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
Cheat grass/downy brome | Bromus tectorum | Annual | Introduced | lnvader | Poor |
Columbian needle grass | Stipa columbiana | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Common reed | Phragmites australis | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
Creeping red fescue | Festuca rubra | Perennial | Introduced | lnvader | Good |
Crested wheatgrass | Agropyron pectiniforme | Perennial | Introduced | lnvader | Good |
Early bluegrass | Poa cusickii | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Good |
False melic | Schizachne purpurascens | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Foothills rough fescue | Festuca campestris | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Fowl bluegrass | Poa palustris | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Fowl manna grass | Glyceria striata | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Foxtail barley | Hordeum jubatum | Perennial | Native | lnvader | Poor |
Fringed brome | Bromus ciliatus | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Giant wild rye | Elymus piperi | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
Green needle grass | Stipa viridula | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Hairy wild rye | Elymus innovatus | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Good |
Hooker’s oat grass | Helictotrichon hookeri | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
Idaho fescue | Festuca idahoensis | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Good |
Indian rice grass | Oryzopsis hymenoides | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Intermediate oat grass | Danthonia intermedia | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
Intermediate wheatgrass | Agropyron intermedium | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Good |
June grass | Koeleria macrantha | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Good |
Kentucky bluegrass | Poa pratensis | Perennial | Introduced | lnv./Intro’d | Good |
Little bluestem | Schizachyrium scoparium | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Bluejoint | Calamagrostis canadensis | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
Mat muhly | Muhlenbergia richardsonis | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Meadow brome | Bromus biebersteinii | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Fair |
Meadow fescue | Festuca pratensis | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Good |
Meadow foxtail | Alopecurus pratensis | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Fair |
Mountain brome | Bromus carinatus | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Needle-and-thread grass | Hesperostipa comata | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Good |
Northern awnless brome | Bromus inermis var. pumpellianus | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Northern manna grass | Glyceria borealis | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Northern reed grass | Calamagrostis inexpansa | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
Northern wheatgrass | Agropyron dasystachyum | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Nuttall’s alkali grass | Puccinellia nuttalliana | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Orchard grass | Dactylis glomerata | Perennial | Introduced | lnvader | Good |
Parry oat grass | Danthonia parryi | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Good |
Pine grass | Calamagrostis rubescens | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Plains muhly | Muhlenbergia cuspidata | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Plains reed grass | Calamagrostis montanensis | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Plains rough fescue | Festuca hallii | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Purple reed grass | Calamagrostis purpurascens | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Quack grass | Elytrigia repens | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Good |
Red three-awn | Aristida purpurascens var. longiseta | Perennial | Native | Invader | Poor |
Redtop | Agrostis stolonifera | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Fair |
Reed canary grass | Phalaris arundinacea | Perennial | Native/Intro’d | Increaser/Invader | Good |
Richardson needle grass | Stipa richardsonii | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Rocky mountain fescue | Festuca saximontana | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
Russian wild rye | Elymus junceus | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Good |
Salt grass | Distichlis stricta | Perennial | Introduced | lncreaser | Poor |
Sand dropseed | Sporobolus cryptandrus | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
Sandberg bluegrass | Poa sandbergii | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Good |
Sand grass | Calamovilfa longifolia | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Sheep fescue | Festuca ovina | Perennial | Introduced | Increaser | Good |
Six weeks fescue | Vulpia octoflora | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Slender wheatgrass | Elymus trachycaulus | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Slough grass | Beckmannia syzigachne | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Good |
Smooth wild rye | Elymus glaucus | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Smooth brome | Bromus inermis | Perennial | Introduced | lnvader | Good |
Spike trisetum | Trisetum spicatum | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
Sweet grass | Hierochloe odorata | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Tall fescue | Festuca elatior | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Good |
Tall manna grass | Glyceria grandis | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Tickle grass | Agrostis scabra | Perennial | Native | lnvader | Fair |
Timothy | Phleum pratense | Perennial | Introduced | lnvader | Good |
Tufted hair grass | Deschampsia caespitosa | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Tumble grass | Schedonnardus paniculatus | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Water foxtail | Alopecurus aequalis | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Western porcupine grass | Stipa curtiseta | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Western wheatgrass | Pascopyrum smithii | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Good |
White-grained mountain rice grass | Oryzopsis asperifolia | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
Woodland bluegrass | Poa interior | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Grass-like Plants
Common name | Scientific name | Life span | Origin | Grazing response | Forage value |
Alpine rush | Juncus alpinoarticulatus | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Atrosquama sedge | Carex atrosquama | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Awned sedge | Carex atherodes | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Baltic rush | Juncus balticus | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Beaked sedge | Carex rostrata | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Blunt sedge | Carex obtusata | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Brownish sedge | Carex brunnescens | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Creeping spike rush | Eleocharis palustris | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Elk sedge | Carex geyeri | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Field/graceful sedge | Carex praegracilis | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
Golden sedge | Carex aurea | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Hair-like sedge | Carex capillaris | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Hay sedge | Carex siccata | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Hood’s sedge | Carex hoodii | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
Kobresia | Kobresia myosuroides | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Long-bracted sedge | Carex athrostachya | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Low sedge | Carex eleocharis | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Meadow sedge | Carex praticola | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Mud rush | Juncus tracyi | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Raymond sedge | Carex raymondii | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Ross’ sedge | Carex rossii | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Rush-like sedge | Carex scirpoidea | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Small-flowered woodrush | Luzula parviflora | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Sprengel’s sedge | Carex sprengelii | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
Sun-loving sedge | Carex pensylvanica | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
Thick-spike sedge | Carex microptera | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Thread leaf sedge | Carex filifolia | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
Water sedge | Carex aquatilis | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Woolly sedge | Carex lanuginosa | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
Common name | Scientific name | Life span | Origin | Grazing response | Forage value |
Absinthe | Artemesia absinthium | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Poor |
Alfalfa | Medicago sativa | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Good |
Alpine milk vetch | Astragalus alpinus | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Alumroot | Heuchera richardsonii | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
American milk vetch | Astragalus americanus | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
American vetch | Vicia americana | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Ascending purple milk vetch | Astragalus striatus | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Arnicas | Arnica spp. | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Aster | Aster spp. | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Baby’s-breath | Gypsophila paniculata | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Poor |
Ball-head sandwort | Arenaria congesta | Perennial | Native | lnvader | Poor |
Balsam-root | Balsamorhiza sagittata | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Baneberry | Actaea rubra | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor and poisonous |
Bastard toad-flax | Comandra umbellata | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Beard-tongue | Penstemon spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Bird’s-foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Good |
Black medick | Medicago lupulina | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Good |
Blazing star | Liatris spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Bluebell | Campanula rotundifolia | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Blue-eyed grass | Sisyrinchium montanum | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Broomweed | Gutierrezia sarothrae | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor and poisonous |
Buffalo bean/golden bean | Thermopsis rhombifolia | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Buttercup/crowfoot | Ranunculus spp. | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Canada anemone | Anemone canadensis | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Canada milk vetch | Astragalus canadensis | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Canada thistle | Cirsium arvense | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Good |
Cicer milk vetch | Astragalus cicer | Perennial | Introduced | Increaser | Good |
Cinquefoil | Potentilla spp. | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Clover | Trifolium spp. | Perennial | Introduced | lncreaser | Good |
Common horsetail | Equisetum arvense | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Common nettle | Urtica dioica | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Common peppergrass | Lepidium densiflorum | Annual | Native | Invader | Poor |
Common scouring rush | Equisetum hyemale | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Common tansy | Tanacetum vulgare | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Poor |
Common yarrow | Achillea millefolium | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Corydalis/touch-me-not | Corydalis & Impatiens spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Cow parsnip | Heracleum lanatum | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Cream-coloured pea vine | Lathyrus ochroleucus | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Cut-leaved anemone | Anemone multifida | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Dandelion | Taraxacum officinale | Perennial | Introduced | lnvader | Fair |
Death camas | Zigadenus venenosus | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor and poisonous |
Dock/sorrel/wild begonia | Rumex spp. | Perennial | Native | Invader/Increaser | Poor |
Dotted blazing star | Liatris punctata | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Drummond milk vetch | Astragalus drummondii | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Early blue violet | Viola adunca | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
False dandelion | Agoseris glauca | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
False hellebore | Veratrum eschscholtzii | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor and poisonous |
Field chickweed | Cerastium arvense | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Fireweed/willow-herb | Epilobium spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Fleabane | Erigeron spp. | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Gaillardia | Gaillardia aristata | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Geranium | Geranium spp. | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Goat’s-beard | Tragopogon dubius | Biennial | Introduced | lnvader | Poor |
Goldenrod | Solidago spp. | Perennial | Native | lnvader | Poor |
Ground plum | Astragalus crassicarpus | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Gumweed | Grindelia squarrosa | Biennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Hairy golden aster | Heterotheca villosa | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Hawksbeard | Crepis spp. | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
Hawkweed | Hieracium spp. | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Hedysarum | Hedysarum spp. | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Indian milk vetch | Astragalus aboriginum | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
Knapweed | Centaurea spp. | Biennial | Introduced | lnvader | Poor |
Lamb’s-quarters | Chenopodium album | Introduced | Annual | lnvader | Poor |
Larkspurs | Delphinium spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor and poisonous |
Leafy spurge | Euphorbia esula | Perennial | Introduced | lnvader | Poor and poisonous |
Little clubmoss | Selaginella densa | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Locoweed | Oxytropis spp. | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor and poisonous |
Long-leaved chickweed | Stellaria longifolia | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Lupine | Lupinus spp. | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor and poisonous |
Meadow rue | Thalictrum spp. | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Missouri milk vetch | Astragalus missouriensis | Perennial | Native | Increaer | Fair |
Moss phlox | Phlox hoodii | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Narrow-leaved milk vetch | Astragalus pectinatus | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor and poisonous |
Narrow-leaved wormwood | Artemisia dracunculus | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Northern bedstraw | Galium boreale | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Northern gentian | Gentianella amarella | Annual / Biennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Ox-eye daisy | Chrysanthemum leucanthemum | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Poor |
Paint-brush | Castilleja spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Pasture sage | Artemesia frigida | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Plantain | Plantago spp. | Annual | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Prairie clovers | Petalestemon spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Prairie cone-flower | Ratibida columnifera | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Prairie crocus | Anemone patens | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Prairie onion | Allium textile | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Prairie sage | Artemisia ludoviciana | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Purple milk vetch | Astragalus dasyglottis | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Purple pea vine | Lathyrus venosus | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Pussy-toes/everlasting | Antennaria spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Prostrate pigweed | Amaranthus graecizans | Annual | Native | lnvader | Poor |
Rock cress | Arabis spp. | Biennial | Native | Increasers | Poor |
Russian thistle | Salsola kali | Annual | Introduced | lnvader | Poor |
Sainfoin | Onybrychis viciifolia | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Good |
Scarlet mallow | Sphaeralcea coccinea | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Scentless chamomile | Matricaria perforata | Perennial | Introduced | Inavder | Poor |
Seaside arrow-grass | Triglochin maritima | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor and poisonous |
Showy milkweed | Asclepias speciosa | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor and poisonous |
Silver saltbush | Atriplex argentea | Annual | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Slender milk vetch | Astragalus flexuosus | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Sow thistle | Sonchus spp. | Perennial | Introduced | Invader | Fair |
Spiny ironplant | Haplopappus spinulosus | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Star-flowered solomon’s seal | Smilacina stellata | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Sticky geranium | Geranium viscosissimum | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Strawberry blite | Chenopodium capitatum | Annual | Introduced | Invader | Poor |
Sweet clover | Melilotus spp. | Biennial | Introduced | lnvader | Good; mature plants become poor |
 |  | Three-flowered avens | | | |
(old man’s whiskers) | Geum triflorum | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Timber milk vetch | Astragalus miser | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor and poisonous |
Tumbleweed | Amaranthus albus | Annual | Native | Invader | Poor |
Water hemlock | Cicuta maculata | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor and poisonous |
Water parsnip | Sium suave | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Water smartweed | Polygonum amphibium | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Wavy-leaved thistle | Cirsium undulatum | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Western Canada violet | Viola canadensis | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Western wood lily | Lilium philadelphicum | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
White camas | Zigadenus elegans | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor and poisonous |
Wild blue flax | Linum lewisii | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Wild licorice | Glycyrrhiza lepidota | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Wild strawberry | Fragaria virginiata | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Yellow umbrella plant | Eriogonum flavum | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Common name | Scientific name | Life span | Origin | Grazing response | Forage value |
Alder | Alnus spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Ball/pincushion cactus | Coryphantha vivapara | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Buckbrush/wolfberry | Symphoricarpos occidentalis | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Bush cranberry | Viburnum spp. | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
Canada buffalo-berry | Shepherdia canadensis | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Choke cherry | Prunus virginiana | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair but young leaves poisonous |
Currants/gooseberry | Ribes spp. | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Dwarf/bog/water birch | Betula spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Greasewood | Sarcobatus vermiculatus | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair but poisonous |
Honeysuckle | Loticera spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Juniper | Juniperus spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Kinnikinnick/bearberry | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Mountain maple | Acer glabrum | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Oregon grape (creeping mahonia) | Berberis repens | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Pin cherry | Prunus pensylvanica | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Fair |
Prickly pear cactus | Opuntia spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Rabbit-brush | Chrysothamnus nauseosus | Perennial | Native | Invader | Poor and poisonous |
Red osier dogwood | Cornus stolonifera | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Good |
Roses | Rosa spp. | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Salt sage/Nuttall’s atriplex | Atriplex nuttallii | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Saskatoon | Amelanchier alnifolia | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Shrubby cinquefoil | Potentilla fruticosa | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Silver-berry/wolf willow | Elaeagnus commutata | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Thorny buffalo-berry | Shepherdia argentea | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Sagebrush | Artemisia cana | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Skunk-bush | Rhus trilobata | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Snowberry | Symphoricarpos albus | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Poor |
Western mountain ash | Sorbus scopulina | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Wild raspberry | Rubus idaeus | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Willows | Salix spp. | Perennial | Native | lncreaser | Fair |
Winter fat | Eurotia lanata | Perennial | Native | Decreaser | Good |
Common name | Scientific name | Life span | Origin | Grazing response | Forage value |
Aspen poplar | Populus tremuloides | Perennial | Native | Increaser/Invader | Fair |
Balsam poplar/cottonwoods | Populus spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Paper/white birch | Betula papyrifera | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Fair |
Pines | Pinus spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Spruce | Picea spp. | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Tamarak | Latrix laricina | Perennial | Native | Increaser | Poor |
Tannas, K.
Common Plants of the Western Rangelands, Volumes 1 - 3. Alberta Agriculture.
Prepared by:
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
More information, contact:
Alberta Ag-Info Centre
Call toll free: 310-FARM (3276)
Website: agriculture.alberta.ca
Source: Agdex 134/06. Revised 2016. |