Stray Animals Act and Regulations

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 The Stray Animals Act deals with the means by which stray livestock are dealt. These include provisions to establish liability for damages caused by trespassing animals, as well as the capture, impoundment, and disposition of the stray animals.
The Stray Animals Act and Regulation are administered by Livestock Identification Services (LIS), a delegated authority under the Stray Animals Delegation Regulation. LIS is non-profit organisation that operates “an arm’s length” from ARD but is accountable to the Minister.

The Horse Capture Regulation is somewhat of an anomaly to this set of legislation, as it is administered by Sustainable Resources and Development and not ARD. It deals with the capture of feral horses on Crown lands.


Regulations Orders in Council For more information about this act, contact Don Campbell.
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on February 3, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on March 16, 2018.