Crop Conditions as of August 15, 2017 (Abbreviated Report)
Dry conditions continued in the Southern Region and some parts of the Central Regions, with a few areas receiving a brief reprieve. A portion of the North East Region received up to 70 to 90 mm rain, while most of the Peace region had less than 5 mm of rain (see precipitation Map). Provincially, crop growing conditions did not change from a week ago and are rated at 56 percent good to excellent, compared with the 5-year average (2012-2016) of 67 percent (see Table 1). About 58 percent of spring wheat, 50 percent of barley, 61 percent of oats, 57 percent of canola and 55 percent of dry peas are in good to excellent condition. Most spring cereal crops are at the dough development stage.
Harvest operations are starting across the province with six percent of crops in the bin, up from the 5-year average of three percent and four percent in the swath, in line with the 5-year average (see Table 2). About five percent of spring wheat, 10 percent of barley, two percent of oats and 31 percent of dry peas have been combined, while three percent of spring wheat, four percent of barley, five percent of canola and one percent of dry peas are in the swath.
Surface and sub-surface soil moisture ratings (5-year averages in the brackets) across the province remained unchanged at 45 (66) and 51 (63) percent good to excellent, respectively with 12 (one) and 11 (less than one) percent excessive. Pasture conditions are rated at 27 (14) percent poor, 23 (30) percent fair, 32 (46) percent good and 18 (10) percent excellent. Tame hay conditions have similar ratings and are reported at 28 (15) percent poor, 23 (30) percent fair, 30 (45) percent good and 19 (10) percent excellent.

The 2017 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- Some light showers in the Region did not alleviate the dry conditions, but delayed harvest for one or two days. However, the temperature was slightly cooler than last weeks. Spring seeded cereals are mostly in ripening stage. Overall, 25 percent of crops in the Region are in the bin, compared to the 5-year average of nine percent and another 12 percent are in the swath, compared with the 5-year average of eight percent.
- About 33 percent of crops are in good to excellent condition, down from the 5-year average of 68 percent.
- Surface soil moisture conditions (5-year averages in brackets) are rated at 53 (19) percent poor, 32 (28) percent fair, 15 (43) percent good and zero (10) percent excellent.
- Cattle producers may start feeding cattle earlier than normal, as pastures are not recovering from the heat stress. Pasture (tame hay) conditions are rated at 61 (61) percent poor, 23 (22) percent fair, 14 (15) percent good and two (two) percent excellent.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- Most areas received at least 5 mm of rain that refreshed soils, helped pastures and contributed to fill the late seeded crops. However, more moisture is needed to fill the remainder of the late seeded crops. Cereals are mostly in the dough development stage, but still are a little behind due to a wet spring and early summer.
- About 50 percent of crops are rated as good to excellent, down from the 5-year average of 65 percent.
- Surface soil moisture conditions (5-year averages in brackets) are rated at 18 (three) percent poor, 34 (24) percent fair, 44 (56) percent good and four (16) percent excellent, with zero (one) percent excessive.
- Pasture (tame hay) conditions are reported as 40 (42) percent poor, 36 (34) percent fair and 24 (24) percent excellent.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- All of the Region received at least 5 mm of rain, with rainfall in the eastern counties varying from 20 to 90 mm. Spring cereals are mostly in the dough development stage and canola is filling.
- Crop conditions are rated at 79 percent good to excellent, up from the 5-year average of 74 percent.
- Surface soil moisture conditions (5-year averages in brackets) are reported as two (five) percent poor, 11 (18) percent fair, 35 (53) percent good, 22 (23) percent excellent, and 30 (one) percent excessive soil moisture.
- Pasture (tame hay) conditions are rated at two (three) percent poor, 16 (18) percent fair, 44 (39) percent good and 38 (40) percent excellent.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- Crops in this Region are progressing well with good growing conditions. Most of spring cereals are finishing the milk development stage, while field peas are maturing.
- Regionally, crop conditions are rated at 57 percent good to excellent, down from the 5-year average of 68 percent.
- Surface soil moisture conditions (5-year averages in brackets) are reported at zero (13) percent poor, 11 (18) percent fair, 13 (37) percent good, 45 (30) percent excellent, and 31 (two) percent excessive soil moisture.
- Pasture (tame hay) conditions are rated at 15 (14) percent fair, 37 (35) percent good and 48 (51) percent excellent.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- The Region had limited precipitation over the past week. Spring cereals are mostly starting the dough development stage. Harvesting of peas has started, while swathing of canola and peas is underway. About two percent of crops are in swath and less than one percent is combined, which are comparable to the 5-year averages.
- Crop conditions are rated at 59 percent good to excellent, slightly up from the 5-year average of 58 percent.
- Surface soil moisture conditions (5-year averages in brackets) are rated at four (11) percent poor, 15 (26) percent fair, 43 (30) percent good and 33 (31) percent excellent, with five (two) percent excessive moisture.
- Pasture (tame hay) conditions are reported at two (two) percent poor, 22 (23) percent fair, 54 (53) percent good and 22 (22) percent excellent.
Ashan Shooshtarian, Crop Statistician
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Economics and Competitiveness Branch
Statistics and Data Development Section
August 18, 2017
Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section
The 2017 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191