Crop Conditions as of August 16, 2016 (Abbreviated Report)
Wide spread showers and thunderstorms have continued to dominate weather patterns over the past several weeks. However, most areas across the province have also had some sunny and warm days to help mature crops. Provincially, crop growing conditions did not change from a week ago and are rated as 84 per cent good to excellent, compared with the 5-year average (2011-2015) of 69 per cent (see Table 1). About 78 to 85 per cent of spring wheat, barley, canola and dry peas are in good to excellent conditions, while oats are at 90 per cent. Most spring cereal crops are at the dough development stage.
Harvest operations are beginning across the province slightly behind the 5-year average. Provincially, three per cent of crops are in the bin, compared to the 5-year average of four per cent and two per cent are in the swath, compared to the 5-year average of three per cent (see Table 2). About one per cent of spring wheat and canola, three per cent of barley and 19 per cent of peas in Alberta have been combined, while one per cent of spring wheat, two per cent of barley and dry peas and three per cent of canola are in the swath.
Surface and sub-surface soil moisture ratings (5-year averages in the brackets) across the province remained stable at 85 (62) and 81 (64) per cent good to excellent, respectively with two (one) and one (less than one) per cent excessive. Pasture conditions are rated as four (13) per cent poor, 18 (30) per cent fair, 60 (44) per cent good and 18 (13) per cent excellent. Tame hay conditions have similar ratings and are reported as six (13) per cent poor, 18 (31) per cent fair, 56 (43) per cent good and 20 (13) per cent excellent.

The 2016 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- Rain showers continued with some hail reported, however, some good weather helped ripen crops in the Region. Cereals are mostly in ripening stage and canola has started to be swathed, while most of them are still green. Many producers are combining their peas, which have been desiccated. Overall, nine per cent of crops in the Region are in the bin and another five per cent are in the swat. Some sunny and warm weather is needed in the Region and it appears that pastures could be good for fall grazing.
- Regionally, 68 per cent of crops are in good to excellent condition, down two per cent from a week ago and down six per cent from the 5-year average of 74 per cent.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture conditions (5-year averages in brackets) are rated at 75 (46) and 73 (53) per cent good to excellent, respectively, with one (zero) per cent excessive surface or sub-surface soil moisture.
- Pasture and tame hay are rated at 59 (46) and 53 (45) per cent good to excellent, respectively.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- Showers have helped maintain forage and pastures, as well as mature crops. Cereals are mostly in the dough development stage, while peas harvest is about to start with some peas that have been desiccated.
- About 85 per cent of crops are rated as good to excellent, with no change from last week and up 18 per cent from the 5-year average of 67 per cent.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture are respectively rated at 82 (72) and 81 (71) per cent good to excellent, with two (one) and one (one) percent excessive soil moisture.
- While first cut hay is nearly completed in some areas, second cut hay has been started in other areas. Pasture and tame hay conditions are reported as 77 (58) and 75 (61) per cent good to excellent, respectively.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- Spring cereals are mostly in the dough development stage and canola is filling. Fall seeded crops harvest is underway, while peas are desiccating. Some lodgings were reported due to the wind and rain. Also, sclerotinia disease was reported in a few canola fields.
- Crop conditions are rated as 94 per cent good to excellent, with no change from last week and up 21 per cent from the 5-year average of 73 per cent.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture conditions are reported as 96 (75) and 84 (72) per cent good to excellent, respectively, with two (one) per cent excessive for both surface and sub-surface soil moisture.
- Haying is nearing completion with good quantity, but lower than average quality. Pasture and tame hay conditions are rated as 97 (67) and 97 (64) per cent good to excellent, respectively.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- Most of spring cereals are in the dough development stage. Harvest operations have begun with some lodged barley crops being swathed. Peas are being sprayed, while the yield is lower than was earlier anticipated.
- Regionally crop conditions are rated as 97 per cent good to excellent, with no change from the previous week and up 30 per cent from the 5-year average of 67 per cent.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture conditions are rated as 91 (67) and 89 (60) per cent good to excellent, respectively, with three (two) and less than one (one) per cent excessive surface and sub-surface soil moisture.
- Haying is nearing completion with average to poor quality. Pasture and tame hay conditions are rated as 82 (52) per cent and 85 (54) per cent good to excellent.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- Warm weather has allowed producers to desiccate their cereals. Harvesting of peas has started and swathing of canola and peas is underway. About four per cent of crops are in swath and less than one per cent is combined.
- Crop conditions are rated as 81 per cent good to excellent, down one per cent from a week ago and up 24 per cent from the 5-year average of 57 per cent. Spring cereals are mostly in dough development stage.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture conditions are rated as 86 (53) and 85 (61) per cent good to excellent, respectively, with five (one) per cent excessive surface soil moisture.
- Pasture and tame hay conditions are reported at 80 (60) and 79 (60) per cent good to excellent, respectively.
Ashan Shooshtarian, Crop Statistician
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Economics and Competitiveness Branch
Statistics and Data Development Section
August 19, 2016
Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section
The 2016 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191