The Association of Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen Bylaws

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Objectives and bylaws
Article 1 -- Interpretation
Article 2 -- Membership
Article 3 -- Association meetings
Article 4 -- Election of officers
Article 5 -- Executive
Article 6 -- Fund raising
Article 7 -- Amendments to objectives and bylaws
Article 8 -- Motions

Objectives and Bylaws

Passed December 4, 1991

1. The name of the Society is "The Association of Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen".
2. The objectives of the Association shall be:

    1. To work in conjunction with any organization interested in the betterment of Agriculture.
    2. To promote educational and training standards for its members.
    3. To mutually assist each other in the administration of legislation and policies dealing with Agricultural Service Boards.
    4. To obtain recognition of the importance of the work performed, and the responsibilities required of its members.
    5. To establish a standard of conduct and qualifications for its members.
    6. The operations of the Society are to be chiefly carried on in the Province of Alberta.
    7. The following are the bylaws of the Association as presently constituted:
Article I -- Interpretation

1. "Association" shall mean The Association of Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen.

2. "Executive" shall mean the members presently elected as the Executive officers of the Association.

3. "Secretary-Treasurer" shall mean the member of the Association appointed to fill said offices.

4. "Good Standing" shall mean any member whose membership fee has been paid and who is not otherwise disqualified.

5. "Life member" shall mean an individual who has been granted an Honourary Life Membership in the Association.

6. "Assistant Agricultural Fieldman" shall mean, a person(s) fulfilling the duties of an assistant agricultural fieldman though not necessarily titled as such in his/her job description, with all other membership credentials, as defined in the objectives and bylaws of the Association, being met.

7. "Local Authority" shall mean, the council of a city, town, village, summer village, county or municipal district, or in the case of an improvement district or special area, the Minister of Municipal Affairs.

8. "Member" shall mean, those members which fulfill those membership requirements as stated in the objectives and bylaws of the Association as a full member.

9. "Associate Member" shall mean, those members which fulfill those membership requirements as stated in the objectives and bylaws of the Association as an associate member.

10. "Life Member" shall mean, an individual who has been granted an Honourary Life Membership in the Association.

11. "Ordinary Motion" shall mean a simple majority of fifty percent plus one (50% plus 1) of members voting at the Annual Meeting, for the purpose of conducting the regular business of the Association.

12. "Special Resolution" shall mean a majority of seventy-five percent (75%) of the members voting at the Annual Meeting for the purpose of changing the objectives and/or bylaws of the Association or expelling a member.

13. "Policy" shall mean any motion passed by the Executive or the Association for the proper conduct of the Association.

14. "Region" shall mean a grouping of Local Authorities as determined by policy of the Association. (28/95)

Article 2 -- Membership

1. Full Membership may be obtained by an Agricultural Fieldman or an Assistant Agricultural Fieldman:

    1. Who can show proof of their appointment by a local authority and,
    2. Who is employed full time by a local authority and,
    3. Who is appointed by a local authority to perform a duty

    or duties under a minimum of two of the following statutes:
    • Weed Control Act
    • Agricultural Pests Act
    • Soil Conservation Act

    4. Members in good standing at the time of passage of this bylaw
    are exempt from this clause.
2. Associate Membership may be obtained by an employee of a local authority who:
    1. Is employed on a full time or part time basis and,
    2. Is appointed by a local authority to perform a duty or duties

    under a minimum of one of the following statutes:
    • Weed Control Act
    • Agricultural Pests Act
    • Soil Conservation Act
3. Any person having obtained membership in the Association, but no longer an Agricultural Fieldman or an Assistant Agricultural Fieldman, shall be permitted to retain membership as an associate member.

4. Membership fees shall be set at each Annual Meeting and shall be due on the first (1st) day of November each year, and payable prior to the Annual Meeting.

5. If any member or associate member is in arrears for membership fees for any year, they shall be automatically suspended, and shall thereinafter be entitled to no membership privileges or powers in the Association until reinstated upon payment of all arrears.

6. Any member may be expelled from the Association by a Special Resolution at an annual meeting providing that notice of the special resolution is delivered to the Secretary-Treasurer at least three (3) weeks prior to the date on which the Annual Meeting is held, with the reason for expulsion substantiated in writing.

7. An Honorary Life Membership shall be granted to a member in good standing retiring after fifteen (15) years of service; or may be granted to non-members as a special award for their contribution to Agricultural Service Boards.

Article 3 -- Association Meetings

1. An Annual Meeting of the members shall be held at a place, and on a date and time determined by the Executive.

2. Notice of the Annual Meeting shall be in writing to the last known address of each member and delivered in the mail three (3) weeks prior to the meeting.

3. Meeting of the Association may be called at any time by the Secretary Treasurer upon the instructions of the President or Executive by notice in writing to the last known address of each member, delivered in the mail ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

4. A meeting shall be called by the President or the Secretary-Treasurer upon receipt by either, of a petition signed by one-third, (1/3) of the members in good standing, setting forth the reasons for calling such a meeting. Notice shall be in writing to the last known address of each member, delivered in the mail ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

5. Any member, except a life member, who has not withdrawn from membership or been suspended or expelled as herein provided shall have the right to vote at any meeting of the Association. Voting must be in person and not by proxy or otherwise.

6. One-third (1/3) of the members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any meeting (excluding Executive and Committee Meetings).

Article 4 -- Election of Officers

1. The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of:

    1. President, First Vice-President and a Second Vice-President, who shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Association and shall hold office until their successors are elected. When more than one member is placed in nomination for an office, the election shall be by ballot and the member receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.

    2. Regional Directors who shall be elected by the members in their respective Regions prior to the commencement of the Annual Meeting.
2. Any member in good standing, except a Life Member, shall be eligible form election to any office in the Association.

3. No member shall hold the same Executive office for more than two (2) consecutive years.

4. Any director or officer may be removed from office by a Special Resolution at an Annual meeting, providing that a notice of the Special Resolution is delivered to the Secretary-Treasurer at least three (3) weeks prior to the date on which the Annual Meeting is held, with reason for removal substantiated in writing.

5. Any director or officer may resign from office by submitting their resignation in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer.

Article 5 -- Executive

1. Two thirds (2/3) of the elective Executive shall constitute a quorum for any meeting.

2. A meeting of the executive shall be held immediately following the Annual Meeting, and shall appoint and fix the remuneration of the Secretary-Treasurer.

3. The Executive shall fill any vacancy which may occur in the Executive between the Annual Meetings. The
person so appointed shall hold the office until the expiration of the term of office of the member vacated.

4. The Executive shall establish policy for the proper conduct of the Association, provided that policies shall be in accord with the Objectives and Bylaws adopted.

5. An Executive Meeting may be called at any time by the President or Vice Presidents acting for the President, or a majority (50% plus 1) of members of the Executive. Meeting notice and agenda shall be in writing delivered in the mail ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

6. Meetings of the Executive shall be held as often as the business of the Association may warrant.

7. No officer of the Executive shall publish or cause to be published any matter whatsoever connected with the Association unless the same shall be authorized by the Executive.

8. The duties of the officers shall be decided by the Executive.

9. The Secretary-Treasurer shall have custody of the seal of the Association, and the seal shall be authenticated by the signature of any two of the President, Vice-President or Secretary-Treasurer.

10. The Secretary-Treasurer shall properly account for the funds of the Association, and shall present a statement duly audited by an External Accountant, to the Annual Meeting.

11. Preparation and custody of the minutes of meetings, proceedings and other books and records shall be kept by the Secretary-Treasurer and may be inspected by any member of the Association at the Annual Meeting.

12. The Executive may spend funds as approved by the Association at an Annual meeting.

13. The Executive may spend funds at its discretion for the benefit of the Association.

Article 6 -- Fund Raising

For the purpose of carrying out its objectives, the Association may raise funds as needed except by borrowing.

Article 7 -- Amendments to Objectives and Bylaws

Amendments to the Objectives and Bylaws may be made:

1. Only at an Annual Meeting.

2. By the passage of a Special Resolution.

3. By submitting a draft of the proposed amendment to the Secretary-Treasurer six (6) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.

4. Notice of proposed amendments to the Objectives and Bylaws shall be forwarded to the membership three (3) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.

Article 8 -- Motions

All motions of the Association or Executive shall be automatically rescinded when superseded or contradicted by a subsequent motion.

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Pam Retzloff.
This information published to the web on September 18, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on August 11, 2011.