Apiculture: Registration | |
New Beekeepers
Welcome to Alberta Apiculture! To get started, please fill out our Registration Form and return it to bee@gov.ab.ca. It is mandatory to register. The information is used for monitoring diseases and pests to ensure healthy bees as stated in the Bee Act and Regulations. It is also used to keep industry statistics up to date. If you have questions beyond what our Frequently Asked Questions answers, please click here. | |
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Premises Identification Number
All new and registered beekeepers are required to have PID number. The PID is provided through Alberta’s traceability program and is separate from the apiculture program registration number. The PID number is a requirement to have access to medications for bee diseases and pests. Follow instructions in the PID application to register. | |
Existing Registration Renewals/Updates
Registration Renewal
It is mandatory to annually renew your registration. You are also required to update your registration whenever necessary. For renewal of registration, please fill out our Registration Form and send to us by email, fax, or mail at the contact details shown below.
Registration Updates
Please communicate the specific change in your registration: number of colonies, bee sales, equipment sales, buying bees, buying used equipment, change of address, addition of email, telephone number etc. Please fill out our Registration Form with your updates, and send to us by email, fax, or mail at the contact details shown below.
Contact Details
For more information about the content of this document, contact Olivia Hares.
This information published to the web on February 3, 2017.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 8, 2019.