Clark, Curtis Dishon - 2014 Hall of Fame Inductees

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Curtis Clark’s passion for the dairy industry in Alberta spanned almost five decades. The winner of multiple awards throughout his career as a breeder, dairy judge and exhibitor, Mr. Clark was known for laying the groundwork for developing purebred breeders and superior cattle in Alberta. With his long-time partner Lloyd Pickard and later his son Jim, he grew Acme Holsteins of Carstairs into the most traveled, well recognized Holstein herd in Western Canada. Many say his legacy is best exemplified in the Curtis Clark Achievement Award presented annually at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto. Started in 1988, the award recognizes a winner who “exemplifies the all-around ability, sportsmanship, and dedication necessary to be respected by his fellow breeders and exhibitors.” Before he passed away in 1997 at the age of 86, Curtis said in one of his last interviews, “It’s great how the boys are working together in the Holstein breed. It is surprising how far you can pull a sled if you pull together.”

Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame main page

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Susan Lacombe.
This information published to the web on October 3, 2014.
Last Reviewed/Revised on March 17, 2016.