Timber Permits - Coniferous - Forest Management

 A Coniferous Community Timber Permit is a timber disposition issued pursuant to section 22 of the Forests Act, and sections 74.1 to 74.8 of the Timber Management Regulation authorizing a person to harvest Crown timber.

What is the size of a Coniferous Community Timber Permit (CCTP)?

The size can vary but a generally less than 5000 m3 and are issued to operators harvesting less than 21,000 m3 of timber.

Are there any regulations about the number of Coniferous Community Timber Permits in Alberta?

According to the Timber Management Regulation, §74.3(1))
  • The total number of community loggers must not exceed 320, and
  • The total number of community manufacturers must not exceed 180
The province issues an average of 50 permits per year, with a range of 5 to 172 permits per year. The number of permits issued is usually related to the market conditions and the demand for lumber. Fewer permits are issued when the markets are poor and the demand for lumber is low. How can I get a Coniferous Community Timber Permit?
Coniferous Community Timber Permits are usually issued through direct award to local operators registered under the Community Timber Program. An operator must be registered under the Community Timber Program to get a Coniferous Community Timber Permit.

If a vacancy in the Community Timber Program occurs, public notices for applications will be advertised on the department website and through local newspapers. What procedures/forms are required after a permit is issued?

Operators registered as community sawmillers must complete the following mandatory procedures after a permit has been issued under the Community Timber Program: What is the difference between Coniferous Community Timber Permits and Commercial Timber Permits?

The Coniferous Community Timber Permit is issued by direct award to local eligible small operators. This permit includes coniferous timber only. It is set at a fixed timber dues rate as per the Timber Management Regulation.

Commercial Timber Permits provide timber access to operators not part of the Community Timber Program. These permits are allocated by competitive auctions and tenders, or non-competitively by direct sales.

Operators who are successful getting the timber permits pay the dues rate set in the Timber Management Regulation. This permit may include coniferous and/or deciduous timber. Are CCTP holders responsible for reforestation?

It depends. In general, Coniferous Community Timber Permit holders pay a reforestation levy or fee to an authorized association to do the reforestation.

The government sets reforestation standards. It also receives annual reforestation results for all commercial timber dispositions. These results are monitored to ensure reforestation is successful.
For more information about the content of this document, contact Wendy Machan.
This information published to the web on February 25, 2016.
Last Reviewed/Revised on April 26, 2016.