Productivity Improvement - Continuous Improvement for Processors

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Success Stories - Continuous Improvement for Processors

Key individuals at Kitchen Partners, a growing Alberta food processing company, share the learnings and successes from their “lean journey".

Implementing lean thinking requires a change in culture, something that doesn’t happen overnight. At All Seasons Mushrooms, senior management is using Alberta Agriculture Productivity Improvement resources and assistance to introduce lean tools and techniques to staff with the goal of engaging employees so that change can happen from the ground up. Is the culture shifting? Read more...

With increasing pressure from customers, agri-food processors are seeking ways to become more environmentally sustainable. But what does that mean, and how is it done? For Calgary Italian Bakery, a customer request has resulted in a lean and green journey that’s answered those questions and brought unexpected benefits. Read more...

Consistency in process and product quality are key concerns for agri-food processors. At Sons Bakery, a focus on consistency led to using an innovative tool called 5S to organize the production floor in its Calgary facility. Did it get the results it was looking for? Read more...

Richardson Oilseed Limited has been applying lean tools and concepts with positive results for a number of years. Over time, the company remained committed to excellence, but application of lean began to slow. Now it is renewing its emphasis on lean through an in-depth coaching program that has reignited employee interest. Read more...

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Gerard Bos.
This document is maintained by Rita Splawinski.
This information published to the web on July 10, 2012.
Last Reviewed/Revised on June 7, 2018.