Bio-Industrial Opportunities: Industrial Hemp Extension Projects

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Industrial Hemp Cost of Production
Agriculture and Forestry Ministry is conducting a study to develop an Industrial Hemp Cost of Production. We need minimum representation of three producers in the various targeted dryland segments of Alberta (north, central, south & irrigated-southern Alberta) to provide our emerging industry with benchmark data. The study recognizes different parameters exist for both seed and fiber applications; this study will concentrate only on cost of production data for seed production. This study will be funded by Growing Forward 2, a Federal-Provincial-Territorial initiative through the Biomaterial unit of Bio-Industrial Opportunities Section with membership assistance from Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CHTA).

If you would like to participate in this project, please respond to the letter that will be coming from CHTA later this summer. The interviews will take place with an on-farm visit between January and March 2016, to complete the questionnaire with you. As a participant in the project, you will receive your own detailed, customized business analysis report that you can use for decision-making on your own farm. You will have the option to provide costs and returns information for other crops grown on your farm as well. If you choose this option, you will receive a business analysis report for each crop, providing you with comprehensive information for profitable decision making.

Industrial Hemp Enterprise Document
A draft of the Agdex Industrial Hemp Enterprise document is currently being formatted to be included on Agriculture and Forestry’s website. It is an overview document of industrial hemp looking at regulatory, licensing, seeded acreage, markets, environmental benefits, economics and growing and harvesting hemp.

National Hemp Growers Guide
Agriculture & Forestry and Alberta Innovates – Tech Futures started working on a Best Management Practices Industry Hemp Guide completing a chapter on Harvest & Storage. Video footage editing for the hemp best management harvest and post-harvest chapters is continuing. We are now going to collaborate with Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CHTA) on producing a National Hemp Growers Guide focusing on the Prairie Provinces. Funding is sought from ACIDF and Manitoba Growing Forward.

Market Access Project
Continued work is taking place on the market access project. The purpose of this project was to develop and deliver materials that would assist a company to properly interpret the requirements and deliverables in a contract, regulations or standard and apply the applicable protocols and procedures into their operations to enable them to consistently meet them. The intended outcome is to help companies avoid costly penalties and maintain access to markets with defined auditable requirements.

We are going to be pilot testing the tool developed last year with producers to see if it meets needs. It should help to clarify what you are being required or asked to meet, identify within your operations what is missing and what is meeting the requirements, help you to decide if you wish to move forward to meet the requirements and help you to develop and implement a plan to address any identified gaps. It also looks at improving and maintaining documents required to be ‘audit ready’.

For more information on the industrial hemp extension projects contact: Lori-Jo Graham or Patti Breland with Alberta Agriculture & Forestry, Bio-Industrial Opportunities Section.

Alberta Agriculture & Forestry
Bio-Industrial Opportunities Section
Agri-Food Discovery Place
Building F-83, 6020 – 118 Street
Edmonton Alberta T6G 2E1
Phone: (780) 644-8118

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Victor Cheng.
This information published to the web on July 31, 2015.
Last Reviewed/Revised on July 9, 2018.