Board Governance and Running Effective Meetings E-learning Resource | |
| This interactive e-learning resource will help you and your board (agricultural societies, agriculture service boards, rural utility boards, commissions/committees, etc.) to run more effectively.
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We invite you to view the Board Governance E-learning Resource and Guidebook webinar - 20120326 1936-1
March 26, 2012, 2:29 pm Denver Time
49 mins
Board Governance - On-line Resource
- What is Governance?
- Board Structure
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Risk Management
- Board Development
- Planning and Strategic Direction
- Communications
- Board Meetings
The Board Governance Guidebook:
The Guidebook is a quick and easy reference tool to supplement the comprehensive material and learning activities on the on-line resource.
| Running Effective Meetings - On-line Resource
- Agendas
- Minutes
- Motions
- Debating a Motion
- Voting Proper Conduct
- Elections
- Committees
The Running Effective Meetings Guidebook:
The Guidebook is a quick and easy reference tool to supplement the comprehensive material and learning activities on the on-line resource.
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This resource can help you deal with conflict of interest issues, risk management and much more.
The information is easy to use and includes video, interactive learning, links to other resources and checklists.
Use it to help train your board on roles and responsibilities and running meetings more effectively.
The material is also available on a CD (with a printed workbook).
Contact AAAS to obtain a copp |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Lois Hameister.
This document is maintained by Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on January 29, 2015.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 15, 2019.