Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) | |
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This page provides information and links to resources about BSE, sometimes called “mad cow disease.”
What is BSE? Do we have BSE in Canada? Our fact sheet provides answers to these frequently asked questions.
BSE Surveillance in Alberta and Canada:
To access information specific to BSE surveillance in Alberta, follow: Program conditions, guidelines and forms.
Maintaining required levels of BSE surveillance is very important to our cattle industry, Check this video featuring Alberta producers to learn more about the program.
- An interview with Dr. Claudia Metz offers a veterinarian's perspective of the program
- An interview with Mr. Darrel Rutt, cattle rancher from Northern Alberta, highlights that "This program is valuable to cattle producers"
- For an overview of the Canada and Alberta BSE Surveillance Program (CABSESP). Other resources include:
- Brochure - BSE surveillance is everyone’s responsibility
- Poster - Test me for BSE
- Would you like to know what animals are eligible to be enrolled in the BSE surveillance program?
- Do you have an animal that could be eligible for BSE surveillance? Click here for a list of certified veterinarians and their locations.
- Have you ever wondered what would happen if a BSE positive sample is detected? Follow this link to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) BSE webpage
- Canada's latest BSE case was detected in Alberta; this link provides more information about the case. Confirmed BSE case - February 2015
For more information about the content of this document, contact Hernan Ortegon.
This document is maintained by Ana Ulmer-Franco.
This information published to the web on October 29, 2014.
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 4, 2018.